Jesus bleibet Meine Freude (BWV 147) | Johann Sebastian Bach

Jesus bleibet Meine Freude (BWV 147) | Johann Sebastian Bach

To represent the joy of an Incarnate God, Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) gives us the musical piece Jesus bleibet meine Freude. In this video, the Heralds of the Gospel perform it with organ and French horn, while still inspiring the calm and serenity evoked by Bach’s complete composition.

Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (Jesus bleibet meine Freude, in German) is the final chorale of one of his cantatas written in Leipzig, Germany, in 1716. Although it is the 32nd cantata composed by Bach, it has been given the number BWV 147 in the complete catalogue of his works.

Contrary to popular belief, it was not Bach who composed the melodic line for the chorale in the tenth movement of Cantata 147, Jesus bleibet meine Freude, but its harmonisation and instrumental accompaniment.

In this composition, the chorale is given as instrumental harmonisation a grand succession of triplets, commonly seen as one of the Bachian symbols to indicate happiness. As he celebrated the Child Jesus, the source of all our happiness, Bach also evoked the joy characteristic of childhood innocence, a time represented in many artistic works with nostalgia and longing.

If you like the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, Jesus, the Joy of Men (Jesus bleibet meine Freude) is a great choice.

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